If you are lucky enough to get your hands on a Delta machine with the original retractable casters, you may wonder if they are worth saving. While many enjoy bringing old Delta machines back to their former glory, few share such love for the Detla retractable caster sets. Some consider them outdated and better off replaced with something modern and more stout. Others may consider them a lost cause and not know how to refurbish them or how to obtain missing or damaged parts. I, however, have developed a bit of an attachment to them over the past 16 years since my first Delta restoration project. That is why I have spent considerable time gathering information for this completely over-the-top collection of findings about the bastard accessory of Delta Manufacturing. Before you toss them aside and order a modern mobile base, browse the proceeding material and consider refurbishing what you already have. If you still want to "upgrade" to something newer, please do not throw those old casters away. The market for them is alive and well!
It may be worth noting that as you browse through these pages, You will see imagery from old Delta publications. Some of it is in its original form, while some have been edited and cleaned up. I wanted to make this a visually pleasing as well as informative experience. I hope to have captured the spirit of the Delta Manufacturing Company of long ago.